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Let only Reposits

This article explains the Reposit flow of a let-only tenancy.

Updated over 9 months ago

Let only tenancies are tenancies which are let out by the letting agent but fully managed by the landlord. In cases like this, the Reposit needs to be managed by the landlord. When creating a Reposit for a let only tenancy, please select "Let Only" as the tenancy type.

Note: Let only Reposits will not be visible on the letting agent's dashboard once the Reposit has been completed by the tenant(s) and successfully transferred to the landlord.

Let Only Flow

Once a let only Reposit is completed by the tenant, the following actions will take place:

  • An email confirmation will be sent to the letting agent that created the Reposit, informing them that the Reposit has now been paid for

  • The landlord will also be sent an email informing them that a Reposit has been created for their tenancy, and inviting them to set up their account to accept the Reposit transfer

    • If the landlord already has an account in our system, the Reposit will be transferred to them automatically and no action is required from them

  • Additional weekly reminders will be emailed to landlords who have a pending transfer to accept

  • Letting agents who have created a let only Reposit where the landlord has not yet accepted the transfer will see a warning banner (shown in the image below) when viewing that specific Reposit. The banner will have a button that they can click to directly send an email to the landlord, reminding them to sign up and accept their Reposit

  • If the landlord does not already have a Reposit account, once they have set up their account, the Reposit will be transferred to them and will no longer be visible on the letting agent's dashboard

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