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Cancellation and Refund Policy
Cancellation and Refund Policy
Updated over a week ago

We understand that there might be instances where the cancellation of a Reposit is required due to unforeseen circumstances, such as a tenancy not proceeding or a decision by either the tenant or landlord not to use Reposit.

The cooling off period

Tenants have a 14-day period after the purchase date to cancel their Reposit and receive a full refund, provided the tenancy has not yet commenced. Following the start of the tenancy, the tenant can still request to cancel their Reposit. However, confirmation from your letting agent/ landlord is required before cancellation can be processed after the tenancy start date.

Cancellation process

Please send a cancellation request to Reposit via email at Upon receiving your request, we will proceed with the cancellation and notify your letting agent/ landlord so they are aware and can discuss next steps regarding the tenancy.

Cancellation after cooling-off period

Following the 14-day period, the tenant can still request to cancel the Reposit if the tenancy has not commenced. Please follow the cancellation process above. However, confirmation from your letting agent/ landlord is required before cancellation can be processed outside the cooling-off period. We will contact them to get their authorisation before proceeding with the cancellation request.

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