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All CollectionsPartner FAQsEnd of Tenancy Charges
Submitting the end-of-tenancy charges
Submitting the end-of-tenancy charges
Updated over a year ago

Now that you have submitted the end-of-tenancy charges, what next? Please see below some frequently asked questions to assist you with your next steps.

What happens if a tenant does not agree with the charges submitted?

If a tenant(s) does not accept the charges raised at the end of the tenancy, they will be required to submit a proposed settlement along with any evidence they feel supports their response, before they can raise a formal dispute. To submit a proposal, the tenant is required to pay the amount they are proposing upfront through their Reposit dashboard. From this point, you can either accept the proposal and receive a quick payout, or you can reject it and submit your “final offer”.

What documents do I need to upload with my charges?

You will be able to submit your end-of-tenancy charges through the Reposit dashboard, without having to upload all of your evidence or standard tenancy documents. You will only be required to upload a checkout report at this stage for the tenant(s) to review. If you are submitting rent arrears only, you will not be required to provide any documents at this point (not even the checkout report).

However, you also have the option to submit all evidence upfront. By uploading all of your evidence, you are creating a stronger case for payment with your tenant which is likely to result in the tenant agreeing and paying the charges sooner.

If you are unable to reach an agreement with the tenant, you will be required to upload all of the evidence at a later date to ensure a successful adjudication and/or insurance payout.

How many chances do I have to go back to the tenant(s) to offer a settlement of these charges?

Following the initial submission of charges, the tenant has the option to accept and make payment. if they disagree with the charges, they will be required to submit a proposed settlement within 7 days of you submitting the charges. You may accept this proposed settlement or reject it and submit a final offer back to the tenant within 7 days of receiving their proposal. Once your final offer is submitted, the tenant will be required to either pay this final offer, or raise a formal dispute for the case to be sent for adjudication. If the tenant does not respond, the case will be sent to our insurers.

What happens if we don't reach a settlement with the tenant(s) after the final offer, for all of the charges?

Whether you have successfully agreed on some items or none at all, please see below how these cases will proceed:

  • Some items have been agreed/settled and some haven’t:

For the items that have been agreed upon with the tenant(s), this amount is “locked in”. For the items that have not been agreed upon, your “final offer” amount will be the one “locked in” in the case that the tenant disputes or automatically accepts the charges.

  • No items have been agreed upon/settled

If no items have been agreed upon/settled, then your “final proposal” amount will be the amount taken forward, not the amount originally submitted.

What if I miss the chance to respond to the tenant(s) proposed settlement?

If you do not respond to the tenant’s proposed settlement within 7 days, the proposal will automatically be rejected. The tenant will be informed that their proposal was rejected and will be asked to settle the charges at the original amount submitted. If they do not do this, they may raise a formal dispute.

What happens if the tenant(s) do not respond to the charges?

If the tenant(s) do not respond to either a) the submission of the original charges, or b) the final proposal then this will be considered an automatic acceptance where they will become liable for the charges in full provided we have received all necessary evidence from you.

When will I need to upload all the final evidence and how do I know when to do this?

The point at which you upload the final evidence will vary depending on the course the case follows. We have outlined these scenarios below:

  • The tenant has not responded within the 7 days of the charges being submitted and the case is automatically accepted

  • The tenant has not responded after your final offer and the case is automatically accepted

  • The tenant submits a formal dispute

When there is a need for you to submit your final evidence, you will be contacted via email and provided a link. The email subject line will be RESPOND NOW further evidence required - [property address].

How long do I have to submit all necessary evidence in the event of a dispute or the charges being sent to insurers?

You must ensure all your evidence is submitted as soon as possible to avoid any delay. However, you will be given a maximum of 30 days to submit your evidence. If you do not submit the evidence within this time, your case will be automatically closed and you will not be able to re-open it.

What happens if the tenant(s) rejects my final offer?

If the tenant disagrees with the final offer, they will have the opportunity to submit a formal dispute.

The tenant(s) will be required to pay a £60.00 fee to submit the dispute. This fee is required to deter any tenants from unscrupulously disputing charges.

Once a dispute fee has been paid and the case has been submitted, it will be forwarded to third party adjudication service to review. The adjudicator will review the case and make a decision based on all of the evidence provided by the tenant and the landlord/letting agent.

On average, disputes reach a decision within 14 days. This decision is final and Reposit has no influence over this decision.

The £60 dispute fee paid by the tenant is refundable, depending on the adjudicator's decision as outlined below:

  • If the ruling is wholly in the landlord's favour

    • The £60 fee will not be returned to the tenant

  • If the ruling is adjusted and reduced (but greater than £60)

    • The £60 fee will be credited against the final amount due by the tenant(s)

  • If the ruling is less than £60

    • The £60 charge will be partially or fully refunded to the tenant and the case closed

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